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info [AT] infographic-designer.nl
Designer of Infographics And Data Visualization

Nuon Solar Team [infographic]

Here we go! The infographic for the Nuon Solar Team! The main goal of this infographic is a printed version to inform the public by showing it at a mobile exhibition stand which will travel through the country. Is was quite a shocker when they told me size they needed…...

Over or Under: The Great Toilet Paper Debate

We use toilet paper every day, but are we actually using it the correct way? Website EngineeringDegree.net has came up with a hilarious infographic that sums up toilet paper habits, with an analysis of the pros and cons of each method. Over or Under: The Great Toilet Paper Debate...

Winner Nuon Solar Team Infographic!

Whoohoo! We won! The Nuon Solar Team launched a contest to design an infographic-draft for the upcoming World Solar Challenge this autumn in Australia. And guess what? We won!! The aim of the Nuon Solar Team is winning the World Solar Challenge 2013 to show the world the...

Ugly vegetables…

It is estimated that food wasted by the US and Europe could feed the world three times over. Food waste contributes to excess consumption of freshwater and fossil fuels which, along with methane and CO2 emissions from decomposing food, impacts global climate change. Every tonne...

The Facts About Bottled Water

Many people in many developing countries seek out clean drinking water with much difficulty. But developed nations such as the US spend billions of dollars buying bottled water even though their respective countries provide clean drinking water from the tap. What is more is that...

Blueberries: A Handful of Health

What could be better than a handful of health? A handful of sweet, juicy health. Blueberries have become a popular little snack for Americans, with good reason. These tasty little berries are packed with fiber, vitamin C and a whole host of health benefits. Add a little health to...

100 Social Networking Statistics & Facts for 2012

74% of brand marketeers saw an increase in website traffic after investing just 6 hours per week on social media. I found this fact on the site of Creotivo. He worked hard to get this statistics. Suprised? “4 billion video views are seen on YouTube every day.” Yeah,...

How To Make Every Coffee Drink You Ever Wanted

The folks at PopChartLab have already tackled breweries, cocktails, and pies with their eye-pleasing infographics, each one meticulously researched and gorgeously rendered. It’s a process that undoubtedly involves a lot of coffee. Their newest work celebrates the whole family...

Induced earthquakes in the Netherlands

Earthquake activity has spiked in the North of the Netherlands recently. This is caused by gas extraction in this region. This graph shows the explosion in the number of earthquakes from 2004-2013. Induced earthquakes in the Netherlands infographic by Jdrewes.