Coffee is the lifeblood of most of our mornings, but do you know what’s actually inside that cup of coffee you’re drinking each day? You’d be surprised… (via)
“How much does it cost to make an infographic?”, is a question I get a lot. Unfortunately not a question that’s easy to answer. Before I can get you an accurate price, I need to know what you want to tell, what kind of ‘look and feel’ you’re...
With a little bit of ingenuity, simple shipping pallets can be transformed into an amazing array of things – from furniture and housewares to entire buildings! This infographic by Terry’s Fabrics shows the ins and outs of sourcing and building with recycled shipping pallets – and...
Dit is een reactie op het artikel op Frankwatching van Rob Blaauboer ‘Kan iedereen een goede infographic maken?’. Mijn antwoord hierop is: Nee. De crux zit hem in de kwaliteit. Het mag dan steeds eenvoudiger worden om zelf infographics te maken, bij het maken van een goede en...
The process of Fracking is fairly complicated, and it has complex side effects. Those can be hard to explain with a standard static infographic, but luckily, other mediums that can do a much better job at that. One great tool for explaining complex processes is animation....
A quick look at how long it takes for some of the most common garbage left in the ocean to decompose or at least be invisible… Image credit: Oliver Lüde/Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich (Click on image to enlarge) Some of you may know this already but for those who do not then have...
“As is almost always the case when Apple launches new products or software, the web is talking. Except this time there’s a backlash surrounding something that Apple has historically been an industry leader in: Design. The social uproar is focusing on the new iOS 7 UI design...
There’s is a lot of fuzz these days in The Netherlands about Hydraulic Fracturing or ‘Fracking’. The Dutch government is examining the pro’s and cons about mining shale-gas and whether to go ahead with it. Personally I’m not a big fan. Due to the...
The temperatures are rising outside and it can get difficult to keep your cool on a blazing day. Rising electricity bills is another concern during summer season, but there are ways in which you can minimize the effects of summer. This infographic (by presents some...
After making several infographics, I was asked to do a complete rebranding of WakaWaka, a company dedicated to spread as many solar lights worldwide as possible. To help those without power as well as those who need to charge. From logo to website and everything in between…...